Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 1

The Complete a Book Challenge: my idea of a great way to teach myself a lesson. I love life lessons. I know, groan. They are usually the most painful of the lessons, but I love reliving them, relating them, and revising them as I grow through this journey of life.

Complete a book beginning to end two times a month, no particular list or genre, just start and finish. I will be joining or creating a book club to aid in this goal. First meeting is January 28th and I haven't gotten the book from the library yet - gasp! Books read will include devotionals. Also, I will blog this process of reading, discussing, and learning.

Over the past few months I have been realizing I have a particular flaw, one of multitudes let me assure you, that is I struggle to finish or follow through with certain small things in my life. I could also describe it as "not sticking with it." For instance, I have changed the bottles we use for Graham 3 times. If something wasn't quite right with a certain brand I would quickly look for the solution in another kind. Sometimes in my life that is great and sometimes it is a source of frustration. Or here's a really good one: cloth diapers!! I love cloth, and I have spent hundreds of dollars on them, but I didn't stick with them.
What does all of this have to do with books, you might ask? Well, I love books. I love stories and writing, and I have a weakness for quaint, local bookstores. I love to buy books with great intentions to read them, but only sometimes do I succeed. This fascination began in college when I actually completed my English homework and found that books were amazing!...and time consuming. So the real problem for me is making and prioritizing the time to sit and read and finish a book. I want to prove it to myself that I can finish what I put my mind to. It's a challenge, and I love challenges.

Let the reading begin!

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